Friday, February 20, 2015

Uasuuu tenan! SIM Card Sampeyan Sedari Awal Ternyata Sudah di 'hack' NSA & M16

Uasuuu tenan! SIM Card Sampeyan Sedari Awal Ternyata Sudah di hack NSA & M16

NSA dan Mata-mata Inggris Bajak Produsen SIM Card
Jumat, 20 Februari 2015 | 09:34 WIB

INILAHCOM. London -- NSA, salah satu jaringan spionase AS, dan mata-mata Inggris menyusup ke jaringan internal Gemalto -- produsen SIM Card terbesar di dunia asal Belanda -- yang membuat keduanya bisa menguping pembicaraan pribadi pengguna produk perusahaan itu.

Intercept, Kamis (19/2), melaporkan pihaknya memiliki dokumen-dokumen -- yang diperoleh dari Edward Snowden -- yang menunjukan bagaimana NSA dan mata-mata Inggris menyusup ke Gemalto.

Gemalto memproduksi dua miliar SIM Card setiap tahun, dengan klien sejumlah perusahaan ponsel besar; T Mobile, Verizone, dan AT-T, yang beroperasi di 85 negara. Motto Gemalto adalah; Aman Bergerak Bebas.

Wartawan Jeremy Scahill dan Josh Bigley menulis NSA dan mata-mata Inggris melanggar jaringan inti Gemalto, dan membuatnya mampu menguping komunikasi individu setiap targetnya.

Membajak sistem enkripsi ponsel, masih menurut Scahill dan Bigley, memberi potensi untuk memantau sebagian besar komunikasi seluler global oleh agen mata-mata.

Mencuri kunci enkripsi dari penyedia jaringan nirkabel, masih menurut keduanya, sama saja mendapatkan kunci master dari pengawas apartemen.

"Siapa pun yang mendapat kunci induk aparteman akan bisa membuka setiap kamar," tulis keduanya.

Paul Beverly, wakil presiden eksekutif Gemalto, mengatakan kabar ini sangat mengganggu. "Yang terpenting bagi saya adalah bagaimana kedua dinas rahasia itu bisa melakukannya," ujar Beverly.

Menurut Beverly, yang saat ini harus dilakukannya adalah penyusupan itu tidak terjadi lagi.

Keprihatinan juga dikemukakan Gerard Schouw, anggota parlemen Belanda. Dalam Twitter-nya, Schouw menulis; Saya khawatir lembaga asing mematai-matai wilayah Belanda, dan pembajakan itu tindakan ilegal.

Mathew Green, spesialis Kriptografi, mengatakan FBI dan lembaga mata-mata AS bisa meminta pengadilan menguping pelanggan perusahaan telepon di AS, tapi tidak di luar negeri.

"Membajak akses ke database kunci adalah berita buruk bagi keamanan telepon," ujar Green kepada Intercept.

Edward Snowden reveals that NSA and GCHQ hacked SIM card manufacturer Gemalto: reports
Thursday, February 19, 2015, 4:12 PM A A A

Uasuuu tenan! SIM Card Sampeyan Sedari Awal Ternyata Sudah di hack NSA & M16

The NSA and the Government Communications Headquarters targeted Gemalto, a multinational firm in the Netherlands that makes mobile phone SIM cards, to monitor mobile communications on respective SIMs without permission from telephone companies.
British and American spies stole the encryption keys from the largest SIM card manufacturer in the world, according to a government document handed to The Intercept by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden.

The NSA and its British counterpart Government Communications Headquarters targeted Gemalto, a multinational firm in the Netherlands that makes mobile phone SIM cards, to monitor mobile communications without permission from telephone companies.

Gemalto currently creates SIM cards for AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint and 450 other wireless network providers around the world. Gemalto produces around 2 billion SIM cards every year.

The breach, detailed in a 2010 GCHQ document, also gave the NSA and GCHQ the ability to monitor phone activity without leaving a trace that wireless providers could track. The intelligence agencies were also allowed to decrypt communications that they previously couldn't decode.

Gemalto said that it was unaware of the hack until The Intercept reached out to them for comment. The SIM manufacturer said it launched an investigation on its system Wednesday, but it wasn't able to find any trace of the security breach.

"I'm disturbed, quite concerned that this happened," Paul Beverly, Gemalto executive vice president, told The Intercept. "The most important thing for me is to understand exactly how this was done, so we can take every measure to ensure that it doesn't happen again."

The top-secret GCHQ document also revealed that the intelligence agencies cyberstalked Gemalto's employees in an effort to secretly obtain information that could give them access to millions of encryption keys.

It's still unclear as to whether or not other Gemalto security products and data were compromised. It's also unclear how many wireless network providers and customers have been affected in the breach.

T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint and AT&T were asked by the Daily News to comment on the issue, but a response was not immediately returned.

The NSA and GCHQ have declined to comment on the document leak.

Uasuuu tenan! SIM Card Sampeyan Sedari Awal Ternyata Sudah di hack NSA & M16
Uasuuu tenan! SIM Card Sampeyan Sedari Awal Ternyata Sudah di hack NSA & M16


Uasuuu tenan! SIM Card Sampeyan Sedari Awal Ternyata Sudah di hack NSA & M16
Dasar! Asuu kabeh ...

TKP penyusupan SIM Card itu emmang di Eropa ...
Laaa tapi siapa bisa menjamin kalo SIM Card di Indonesia sebenarnya sudah mereka susupi pulak?
Logikanya, kalo sebuah negara maju di Eropa saja bisa segitu mudahnya mereka menyusup, apalah lagi kita disini? Think's!


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